Friday, June 22, 2007

Meditation - Death Awareness

"If you were to fall from an airplane without a parachute you would be fully aware of death's approach. Imagine this is actually happening to you, and check what thoughts and feelings pass through your mind. The reality of your situation in life is not so different." (73)

"Think of the people you know who are still alive. Contemplate that every one of these people will die. And so will you. There are several billion people on the planet right now, but one hundred years from now, all these people will be gone. You yourself will be dead. Try to experience this fact with your entire being." (72)

"Why are we unable to accept death as calmly as we accept yesterday's fresh flowers wilting today?" (69)

"The principle benefit of practicing this meditation is that it forces us to decide what attitudes and activities are truly worthwhile." (70)

- How to Meditate, Kathleen McDonald

There have been many HIV-infected people who, of course were devastated and suicidally depressed at first, but later became happier and lived more fulfilling lives than before they were infected. Suddenly every little moment of the day became so much more important, so they treated each little moment as if it were the most important.

All of us, not just the terminally ill, should live life with death in mind. We need to prepare for death. A nurse I met who sees many people in her hospital pass away, said that those who died the most peacefully were those who held no grudges, took care of their wills and stuff way beforehand, and didn't have any other baggage hanging over their heads. Those who weren't prepared died in despair. Also, living life with death in mind avoids the problem of when our loved ones die, having regretful thoughts of "I wish I had...if only I told him/her it's too late."

But more importantly, living life with death in mind makes us think twice about being lazy, makes us think twice about holding onto grudges, makes us think twice about putting off dues that we owe to others.

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