Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I've began work on my travel memoirs, which is my real full-time job now, and I'm going through old photos and old blog posts to jot my memory. This photo is of the inside of a sleeper-bus in China. You can see my foot at the bottom, and the aisle that is obviously filled with boxes heavier than I. The sheets they gave us made our hands black, and I could smell some exhaust leaked into the bus, which combined with the chain-smokers' smoke must have taken years off our lives considering that nobody opened a window.


Unknown said...

OH MY... talk about horrid memories, lol. No wonder I got so sick! Hehe. Well, at least I can say it was one experience that built character for me, hah. But of course, I do remember the one highlight point, my friends peeing out a window & hitting a roadside construction worker! Hehehe....

Unknown said...

Oh wow.. is this from our busride from Yunnan to Lijiang? I almost forgot how bad it was... never again! hehe

Felix said...

Yes, this is that busride! Actually, it looks worse in the picture that it actually was imo.