Thursday, March 06, 2008

Capoeira is life

Capoeira is a dialogue between two people. I say something to you, you say something back to me. We have to flow together to make it look beautiful, and that's the hardest part, flowing together, just like how in life communication is difficult, but when done right, it's beautiful.

There are those who think that there is winning and losing in life. These people chase their dreams of getting rich, a beautiful spouse, a green suburban yard underneath a big American house. How to be successful is their concern. Sometimes it's the same in Capoeira, some people think there's winning and losing, so they get all aggressive, get violent, pissed off, and beat each other up. Blood gets spilled.

But those who truly understand capoeira, they know that the kicks and take downs are playful, no harm intended. Let's make it a beautiful dance. And even if we're not the center of attention in a social situation, or in the Capoeira roda, then we're at least in the circle, giving our energy to the center by singing, clapping, being present.

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