Sunday, March 09, 2008

my own column - on combatting laziness and self-motivation

The ideal job I've always wanted to have was to write a column either for a magazine or for a newspaper. It could be any subject matter, as long as I'm given a degree of freedom in expressing my ideas.

Unfortunately, I can fall into an attitude of laziness quite easily, even with things that I enjoy doing, which is what has prevented me from being active - doing what I love before I base a career on it. Instead, I've been passive - waiting to be given a career opportunity in order to begin doing what I love. Having a good fit between passion and career only happens if you're active about it.

So here's my beginning - a food column: Tung Choi St.

I'm not a gourmand or anything. Ironically, I've often found eating to be a chore throughout my whole life, but as with all things in life, I'm slowly learning to appreciate it. Plus it's probably the simplest thing to write a column about, and plus it's extremely practical. I always forget what good places I've been to in the countries I've travelled this will be documentation for myself. Plus, I can refer to friends who're looking for travel advice!